I bet you are more aware of the dangers of certain ingredients in the products you use for ourselves but what your dog's grooming products? Can using the wrong products really affect your pup? Should you be using organic dog shampoo? There has been a siginficant increase in organic products aimed towards dogs, it is exciting to see that maybe one day organic will be the new normal.
So why are organic ingredients so important to your best friend? The answer to this ultimately comes down to two major problems with non-organic ingredients. The first one to consider is the environmental impact of synthetically manufactured chemicals. Producing chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides used to grow non-organic ingredients requires more energy. CO2 emissions significantly increase when these chemicals are released into the environment, and they can alter and damage important ecosystems.
The other problem with synthetically manufactured chemicals is their negative impact on your dog’s health. Here is a list of some of the most common synthetic ingredients you dont' want to see in your dogs grooming products and their effects they can have.

Commission on Endocrine Disruption as they interfere with hormone function. It has also
been suggested that they cause cancer and interfere with male reproductive functions.

to shampoos in the 1930s, we have come to associate lather with cleanliness. Sulphates
are not quite as dangerous as some of the other ingredients, but can cause severe skin,
eye, and lung irritation.

products are synthetic. Some phthalates are known as endocrine disruptors and have been
proven to cause cancer. Studies have even shown that exposure to phthalates can
interfere with reproductive functions.

are often contaminated by substances like arsenic and lead. Many colours have been
linked to skin problems and behavioural issues.

disruptors linked to abnormal cell reproduction. They have also been linked to liver and
breast cancer, diabetes, and obesity.
Your dog's largest organ is their skin, you need to treat it properly! You want to keep harmful chemicals as far away as you can from your pet.

If you’re looking to make the switch to more organic products, we recommend starting with Spina Organics. Not only are these dog grooming products natural and organic but created by Mauro Spina, top Beverly Hills hair stylist. They create all-natural, vegan body washes and conditioners for pets, and are open and honest about the ingredients they use. These dog-friendly products contain natural extracts to bring the beauty and shine of your dog's coat naturally! Get your dog the products they deserive, click here!
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